For this post I am writing a found poem based off of words taking from 10 of my tweets.  Under the poem will be a list of the tweets with bolded words that I have used to create the poem. Enjoy :)

Dreaming About Disney

Laying in my comfy bed,
Epcot at 4 am,
dreaming about,
little kids watching wishes at Magic Kingdom,
looking down main street towards the castle,
the Florida sunshine,
Disney World.

Tweets Used:
  1. Wish I was looking down mainstreet towards the castle instead of seeing snow and being freezing.
  2. A dream is a wish your heart makes.
  3. I know its winter and its supposed to snow but the sunshine and Florida sounds so much better
  4. Love laying in my comfy bed after a day of work and homework
  5. Little kids using the middle finger because they thing it is cool #notokay
  6. Wishes at Magic Kingdom is my favorite<3
  7. Hello Disney World
  8. Hello Epcot at 4 am
  9. Watching movies is the perfect way to spend today
  10. Confused about why my sister is obsessed with toddlers and tiaras #shestwelve